Saturday, February 6, 2010

Paper Lighting Project

We were assigned a new lighting project in my product design 410 class. We have an objective to design and build a lamp (hanging/wall/desk) out of a 3x3 foot sheet of paper. With this assignment we had to do some research on lighting.

Ingo Maurer (suspension lamp)- I love the simplicity of this lamp and the ambient lighting it can create. I would love to work on a project like this however I find it wouldn't have the same affect in the use of a 3x3 foot piece of paper.

Simply awesome.
Han Koning, stretched plastic
I want to experiment with making my own paper and possibly drying it in organic forms so I can achieve the same affect.

Yu Jordy Fu
This is amazing. I have access to a laser cutter where I can easily achieve such forms and cuts like this. I originally didn't want to mess with a lamp like this but I recently found that it could be extremely fun trying to create something like this that I could flat pack and easily construct with no instruction.

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