Sunday, January 31, 2010

Photos of my Progress!

2 out of 5 SMALL and LARGE pieces cut from a 4x4 foot piece of MDF. I will take these 5 small pieces and 5 large pieces to construct two different molds. The larger mold will be for the outside of my light while the smaller mold will be for the inside structure.
I had to use a router to perfect match each and every piece used for the mold. This is the coolest tool in the shop! So easy.
Here are my two molds glued and nailed together. The smaller mold is 6 inches tall and the larger mold 10 inches. Each mold is 7 inches deep to help produce the final product at 5 inches.
I had to tape the outside of the molds so the glue covered bendy ply won't stick to the mold while it's in a pressure bag. The pressure bag uses a air compressor to suck all the air out of the bag causing everything to tightly compress.

Thank You,

Chase Kahmann

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