Sunday, January 31, 2010

Photos of my Progress!

2 out of 5 SMALL and LARGE pieces cut from a 4x4 foot piece of MDF. I will take these 5 small pieces and 5 large pieces to construct two different molds. The larger mold will be for the outside of my light while the smaller mold will be for the inside structure.
I had to use a router to perfect match each and every piece used for the mold. This is the coolest tool in the shop! So easy.
Here are my two molds glued and nailed together. The smaller mold is 6 inches tall and the larger mold 10 inches. Each mold is 7 inches deep to help produce the final product at 5 inches.
I had to tape the outside of the molds so the glue covered bendy ply won't stick to the mold while it's in a pressure bag. The pressure bag uses a air compressor to suck all the air out of the bag causing everything to tightly compress.

Thank You,

Chase Kahmann

Friday, January 22, 2010

The past week has been very busy. I began creating the mold for my desk lamp out of 3/4 inch MDF wood. I have yet to upload the sketches of my lighting concepts but lets hope I do that soon. I plan on working on my mold this weekend so I can begin bending my plywood next class.

Here is a link to great drawing video of cubes. (highly usable)
I found these really cool bookshelves off of Yanko design. They resemble my design for my desk light. Lets just say, they're awesome and I want a few.

Friday, January 15, 2010


In my Production Tools class we have to create a light housing out of bendy plywood. The past few days I have been busy with the creative process. I have spent hours drawing in my sketch book, even waking up at night to sketch spontaneous inspiration. I was able to find inspiration through the nature of the bendyply itself. Bendyply is very thin wood glued in layers to create the bendable properties. Through this inspiration I came up with a theme word for my project- continuum. I wanted to accent the bendy nature of the plywood as if the object were to continue into space. In my next post I will show the numerous sketches I made though out the week.

Friday, January 8, 2010


I wanted to start this blog in order to present my work throughout my design studies at the University of Oregon. I am currently a Junior and 2nd term design student enrolled in various product design classes (Objects and Impacts / Production Tools / Product Design Drawing / Adobe Illustrator introduction / Adobe InDesign introduction). Feel free to comment on my work, I am open to criticism. I hope you enjoy it.